Submit Events

Thank you for your interest in submitting to the event calendar! We only accept events that are open to the public and that are specifically relevant to our community. Please complete ALL fields listed below. A representative must approve all events prior to inclusion on the calendar. All content and images submitted to us via this page are subject to the User Content terms and conditions outlined in the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
We are international! Feel free to post your event in the native language of your country, provided you have a short English description at the end of the Event Description field. We are available in Arabic, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese. And there are more languages on the way!
Before finalizing your event submission, we kindly request you to review our image guidelines. Please take a moment to click here and familiarize yourself with our requirements for images.

Please do NOT use all caps, venue names, price, or short-term promotions (e.g. “Buy now”) in your title.

No links, please; there are specific fields lower down designed for links.

Please do NOT use all caps.

Please do NOT use all caps.

Please provide the exact address. City, postal code and country are very important to pinpoint your event's location in the map.

It is very important to select the correct time zone where the event will be held.

Use the date picker to supply the correct format.

Start date must be before end date

Use the date picker to supply the correct format.

End date must be after start date

This can be your website URL or a Facebook Event URL and must contain http:// or https://.

This field is not required for events without advance ticket sales.

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Drag and drop your event image or click to upload manually.

Images must be .jpg or .jpeg images.

Please limit the amount of text in your event image. Images with text are difficult to read.

Click to download an Artwork Template

Your real name, not your Jack'd profile name.

So we can reach out to you; not shown to members.

  • I have reviewed the image guidelines.

  • I verify that the content and images submitted via this page are in agreement to the User Content terms and conditions outlined in the Terms of Service, EULA and Privacy Policy.

  • This event is open to the general public (no private parties or birthdays).

  • This event is not explicitly sexual in nature (no bath house events, etc).

  • This event is not a regular or recurring event.

  • This event must be of broad interest to our user community.

  • This event is not a cruise.

  • This event is not a trip or tour.

  • This event will happen in the next 6 months.

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